The wizards of Wall Street are hell-bent to torpedo my travel plans.
The market goes up, the market goes down -- and in the meantime,
we're stuck biting our nails, trying to do "the right thing" -- spend
a little less and hope for a bounce back.
But wait a minute.
Financial security, economic freedom, a fiscally sound future -- blah, blah, blah... While I'm on board with the big picture,
there's no convincing me to blow up the travel season.
There are riches to be found, well beyond a stock portfolio -- and
I put travel experiences at the very top.
You've heard it said before, travel is the only money
you spend that makes you richer.
And it's true.
My husband is the logical voice in all of this.
While he agonizes over ominous threats to our financial security and
red flags my over-zealous planning, I remind him of the abundant rewards
that await us in Paris -- Art, History, Baguettes, Bare Breasts .....
Say whatever you think will clinch the deal....
"An investment in knowledge pays the best interest."
Ben Franklin
Let's really think about this.
A year without travel feels like a commitment to eternal damnation.
And that's for dummies.
Self-imposed boundaries can cloud your thoughts.
Ignite your imagination and realize that with a few
smart refinements, you can get from point A to point B.
The time is right for a coup.
And I'll put my money on Paris.
We deserve it! Yes, we do.
And there are ways to beat the financial flu.
You don't even need to revert to the good-old-bad-old college days
of ramen noodles and peanut butter -- well, probably not.
Although, truth be known, I'd do about anything to "save" Paris.
"Money often costs too much."
Ralph Waldo Emerson
I wasn't born with a silver spoon in my mouth -- and I've not
come across a genie in a bottle (yet)-- but I dream rich.
Not as in dollars rich -- I'd happily swap the $$ for a few priceless adventures.
And in France, my cup runneth over.
And yes, though we need the greenbacks and a good exchange
rate to sweeten the pot, there is no reason to cast doubt -- Paris passion rules.
"Doubt kills more dreams than failure ever will."
Suzy Kassem, author & poet
Persistence is rewarded.
Focus on the one thing you want -- be it a walk in the woods
of Fontainebleau Forest or a drink of champagne in
Champagne -- and focus on each precious detail.
Create the emotional tie.
Keep going, one foot in front of the other.
You know what you have to do.
Now just jump in and don't look back.
Before long, you'll be drinking champagne on a beer budget,
filthy rich in adventures.
There are dozens of ways to save money while we travel but I think
it's wise to get on the budget bandwagon before the trip.
Focus on how to save money FOR travel.
It's simply a matter of priorities.
- Do I really need a new designer handbag this year?
Not likely.
- Can I cut back on concert tickets and high end cocktails?
Definitely yes.
- Can I delay window washing and teeth cleaning?
Yes to one, no to the other.
You be the judge.
Put your travel dreams at the front of the line.
Make a written commitment.
When planning your trip, start with a wish list.
You may not be able to do exactly as you like but once you
see some progress, you're halfway there.
Keep an open mind.
Like to stay in one specific (pricey) Paris neighborhood?
Take this opportunity to get to know a new one -- perhaps one at the other
end of town where rents are lower and food & drinks are a bargain.
Whether you get your advice from websites like,, or a multitude of others, think big picture:
Tighten up and re-adjust where needed and most important,
be confident that ultimately this will be the best trip you've ever made.
And then, just roll with it!
Turn up the volume.
Let Steve Winwood's melody be your guide:
When life is too much, roll with it, baby
Don't stop and lose your touch, oh no, baby
Hard times knocking on your door
I'll tell them you ain't there no more
Get on through it, roll with it, baby
Luck'll come and then slip away,You've gotta move,
bring it back to stay
You just roll with it, baby
Come on and just roll with it, baby
You and me, roll with it, baby
Hang on and just roll with it, baby
The way that you love is good as money
I swear by stars above, sweet as honey
People think you're down and out
You show them what it's all about
You can make it, roll with it, baby
When this world turns its back on you
Hang in and do that sweet thing you do
You just roll with it, baby
You just roll with it, baby
Come on and just roll with it, baby
You and me, just roll with it, baby
Steve Winwood, Will Jennings, Edwards Holland, Jr., Brian Holland, Lamont Herbert Dozier
My plans always include my beloved Paris -- but if your budget is extra tight,
there are about a million other sweet spots in France that will knock your socks off.
A little less costly but no less fulfilling.
Works every time.
Nah, it'll happen.
I have the will.
I will find the way.
Travel first, save later.
Those Wall Street party-poopers can take
their prophecies of doom elsewhere.
They probably don't even use all their vacation time, the losers!
As for this traveler, I'm going to invest in me and
concentrate on getting to Paris.
The money to do it?
I'll think about that tomorrow.